Account Request
This form is the first step to enrolling your new student online. Complete it to request an account that you will use to log in to a secure system.

Welcome to Waller ISD! Please complete the information below to request an account to access the New Student Online Enrollment Application portal. Please choose the appropriate school year from the options provided.

A valid email address and phone number are required to obtain secure login credentials. 

You will be sent the password and link to the application by email to the email address you enter below.

The Application is for all grade levels EE-12th.

Please note the application is lengthy and may not be easily accessible on a mobile device.


Please upload all required documents if possible while completing the application.

Required documents will be reviewed by the campus registrar – TO COMPLETE ENROLLMENT OF YOUR STUDENT. 

You may be asked to bring a missing document to campus.

Your student is not enrolled until you complete the registration process with the school campus.

Enter the name of the legal parent/guardian of the student you want to enroll
Guardian contact information
Asterisk (*) denotes a required field